Professional Development for Teachers​​

Chandni Gupta
Asst. Professor, Amity Law School, Noida, India.
Arnav Avasthy
Student, Amity Law School, Noida, India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

Learning is a journey not a destination. The education that is gathered by many individuals is an outcome of efforts by our teacher’s and teacher’s education system. The main aim of professional development is to bring transformation in teacher’s education system which is a difficult task. In present scenario where knowledge is available in abundance and at un-imaginable speed it is necessary to remain up to date otherwise the most sophisticated knowledge becomes redundant. To keep themselves updated they must re-acquire the knowledge and re-learn to survive the challenging situations put in front of them. It is the need of the hour that some concentrated steps should be taken like introduction of professional program for teachers as it is always said “investment in knowledge bars the best interest”. Teacher imparts education which acts as a building pillar for any nation and they do so from the knowledge that they have acquired prior to service and while they are in service. In the past decade’s teachers used traditional ways of teaching transferring content to the secondary audience of the students. But now classroom teaching has been completely revolutionized as teachers these days use modern tools like power point presentations. Someone rightly quoted that “people resist changes in their environment” but the bitter truth is they often forget to calculate the gains that they will get from that one change. This paper mainly focuses on introduction as well as implementation of various professional development courses for the upliftment of the knowledge of the teachers so that they can keep up the pace with the fast-moving knowledge of the 21st  century.

Keywords: Teachers, Teachers education system, Professional Development