Precarious Politics: An Analysis of the 2020 US Elections in the backdrop of COVID 19, Failure of Capitalism and Social Unrest

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
The US Elections of 2020 were held in increasingly precarious conditions. The crisis of the Capitalist machine triggered by the Pandemic and the subsequent global recession, increasing rate of infections and deaths owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, evident pitfalls and loopholes in administrative and precautionary strategies of the presiding government, and the social unrest due to the prevalence of high levels of inequality in terms of wealth and social status, partly attributable to racial distinctions, which had caused a sense of lesser evilism among the masses whereby the populace saw Joe Biden as a messiah who would prove to be the harbinger of prosperity in times of great despair.
Keywords: US Elections, COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Biden, lesser evilism