Plight of Women Domestic Workers in India

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
Domestic Workers generally come from the backward areas within vulnerable communities. Even though the Domestic workers are covered under the unorganised sector, they don’t have a regularized working hour as well as minimum wages. They come under the terms of Service Category of unorganised labour force. As of now there is no exact number of data regarding domestic workers in India. However, about 50 million, approximately estimated under domestic workers category in the Country. Major steps in the recent years have been taken to provide legal protection and social security to domestic workers by the Government of India. Unlike other forms of works, the nature of domestic work is considered to be a unique one. But on the other side they have to manage the dark fact of their employers. They were the most exploited labour force in India as there is no kind of Union started by their own to solve their issues and raise against the exploitation.
Those women who were employed for domestic work will be already belonging to a poor family and because of their financial situation they were engaged into the kind of domestic works. But the employers by using this situation they were exploiting them sexually and giving torcher to them. Though it can’t be brought down to all employers as some of them were treating their women domestic workers as the part of their family and offering them all their needs.
The present paper attempts to describe the problems faced by the women domestic workers in India. It also attempts to identify the protection given by the Government of India under the Law as well as schemes specifically to them. And suggest the way to improve their standards among other unorganised sector workers in India.
Keywords: Domestic Workers, Women, Human Rights Violation.