Marital Rape

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
The term marital rape is used to define non-consensual acts performed by the victim spouse or ex-spouse. Marital rape is an issue that persist since ancient ages but remain in the background of domestic violence. It became evident with the increase in civilization. The victim of marital sexual abuse demonstrates medical and psychological problem following the incident. Among the problem vaginal and anal injuries, vaginal infection, nightmare stress disorder is among the psychological problems. Marital rape is still being ignored or considered normal some societies, which can discourage the victims report the assault victim usually don’t report the incident because of their shame and dread of their spouses ecquaitances. The protection of the victim and to sentence the perpetrators important in term of serving as example – ethics committee approval, informed consent, financial disclosure.
In legal field, active studies have been conducted in the last century the privacy of the issue, the small number of compliments, unsettled legislation these subjects to be one of the today’s problem as a result of the studies carries out with 580 females in the university of Benin. The case Independent thought v. union of India is the landmark case concerning the issue of marital rape where supreme court has given the stern decision regarding the modesty of the women.
One of the accept of marital rape that resemblance of the other type of domestic violence is it recurrent feature. Women who were forced to marital intercourse repeatedly experience the same situation where as the repeated rape make marriage unbearable for women, the percentage of sexual abuse victim who report the abuse of judicial authorities is very low.
‘Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation’