Mapping the role of Indian Judiciary in protection of Human rights of women​​

Kritika Bhatt
Indira Gandhi National Open University, India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

Women in India have been subjected to centuries of oppression and tyranny at the hands of its patriarchal culture. Even after centuries of legislative reforms, incentives and various government schemes assisting women in the country, equality still far cry from reality in the country. This paper seeks to identify the steps taken by the Indian government in pursuance of protecting the human rights of women, its affects in the condition of women in the country and the identifying the reason of such disappointing condition of women rights in the country. Since India is a country of rich heritage, religion, spirituality and culture, it can be safe to assume that somewhere along the way the ancient cultural practices and religious scriptures have been misinterpreted and twisted to fit the convenience of a particular class in order to practice domination over others.

Additionally, the paper attempts to map the journey of the development of the concept of human rights of women, the international perspective and instruments dedicated towards the protection of human rights of women and their complementary contribution in the domestic legislation and judicial review.

Finally, the research paper seeks to identify the real culprit- lack of legislative reforms and assistance or the twisted cultural and traditional practices which have resulted in such a conflicting and questionable state of human rights of women in the country.