Legalization of Prostitution and its Effect on Human Trafacking in India​​

Allaraham Ali
Phd Research Scholar at Christ (Deemed To Be) University, Delhi NCR Campus, India.
Dharmendra Yadav
Assistant Professor at Harlal School Of Law, Greater Noida, U.P., India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

Prostitution is an occupation during which people engage in sexual intercourse for commercial purpose. Prostitution features a long history in India ideal from the antiquated circumstances till the 19th Century in British India and a broadly perceived social reality today. The casualties of the trap are poor people, unskilled and ignorant areas of the overall public and are the target gathering within the tissue exchange; rich groups exploit them and collect at their wretchedness and disgrace during a composed gangster’s, specifically, with police nexus. It had been likewise said that a category of women are caught as casualties of circumstances, unfounded social authorizations, handicaps and coercive types sexual exchange, upgraded as ‘prostitutes’.

Throughout this research paper, the term ‘sex labourer’ are going to be utilized wherever conceivable. The term ‘prostitution‟ or ‘prostitute’ could be alluded to, be that because it may, while talking about case law or authoritative text that has embraced this term. This research paper goes for investigating parts of sanctioning of business sex add India and whether it’s plausibility in light of the various social and penal constraints that are existent in our nation. The paper will begin with an expansive diagram of the international legitimate structure on prostitution, sexual assault and trafficking and therefore the safeguards involved inside them. This international structure would incorporate different treaties and conventions that India has sanctioned and therefore the means in regard of penalizing. This paper will consider such steps of penalization that might be implemented in India.

Keywords: Constitution, Prostitution, Penalization, Sex Workers, harassment.​