Legal Framework of Disaster Management in India along with the Functioning of NDRF

Amity University, Kolkata, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
Mother Nature has bestowed us with natural resources but at the same time the disasters that have been caused by the environment in forms of earthquakes, cyclone, tornadoes have caused great amount of havoc and turmoil to the Indian Subcontinent. India, is one of the countries that has been a victim against catastrophic events due to its geo-climatic conditions; man-made caused debacles which have further aggravated the tragedies, as those fundamentally affected are the poor, labourers, children and the rural areas. The natural disaster renders men to lose their economic status, shelter and sometimes even their family. The under developed and the developing countries are mostly the ones that get severely affected due to such natural disasters and the impact on the country’s economic, social and cultural status sometimes become irreparable. The sneaking threats of environmental change and its massive impact on the event of natural disasters incited the global community to go for a reworking of the disaster management system in all parts of the world. At the global and the national level, there has been significant concern over common catastrophes. Thus to meet such exigencies India has formulated certain legislations that help to recuperate the loss and destruction caused by the natural disasters .The Disaster Management Act 2005, was enacted by the legislature to provide relief to the victims of the disasters and that minimum standard of relief is provided to the citizens of the country. This paper aims to focus and examines the Indian legislations and the Constitutional provisions that have been enacted to minimize the damages from, and counteract such natural disasters and also the loopholes of the laws that exist in its implementation.
Keywords – disaster, legislations, constitutional provisions.