ISSN 2581-5369

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Judicial Corruption: A Deep Seated Issue Tormenting the Indian Judiciary

Gopalakrishnan R R AND Tanvi Srivatsan
Sastra Deemed University, Thanjavur, India

Volume III, Issue III, 2020

Just as pillars strengthen the structure of a building, the judiciary, a pillar upholding a democracy, is no different. Corruption in the judiciary has been one of the most extensive and chronic problems faced worldwide by many democracies. Many countries have found the process of eradicating corruption to be very challenging. Because of its widespread nature, civil societies across the globe have normalised corruption and don’t mind indulging in the same. People responsible for the corruption are found both inside and outside the judicial system. On one hand the judicial officers, i.e. the judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and the court staff play a significant role. The primary reasons for their participation are found to be low compensation, greed and lack of monitoring. Judges participate in corruption by mainly interfering in the appointment and decision making process, while the other court staff indulge in many ways starting from witness tampering to personal gains. The common man, on the other hand, mainly indulges in corrupt practices for favourable and speedy decisions. There are a number of ways in which corruption is practiced. In India, however, it mainly pertains to either bribery or political interference by the executive or bureaucracy. The continuation of such practices will result in the collapse of democracy. Moreover, public confidence in the delivery of justice will be shattered. The research questions that are to be addressed and answered are why people indulge in corruption, what leads them to resort to such practices, the consequences of such practices, and what can be done to curb the issue.

Keywords: Judiciary, Corruption, Court Staff, Consequences, Democracy


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