International Law on Migration – An Overview

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
Migration is a process that arises from the inherent desire of a human being to develop and prosper. Many people address it as a result of social economic conditions but it also has a psychological portion that is need for better life. History of mankind makes it clear that migration was a driving force of our development. So it is definitely a positive process, Even though some people make it negative by spreading ideas of class superiority or supremacy. Most of the developed nations achieved development by support of migrants. Every country has the responsibility to safeguard people in their territory but problems arise when they start prioritising one with other. So to face this issue international bodies came forward and put up certain rules. The issue of migration is more complex with people who came for a shelter other than the above mentioned reasons. People who ran away from violence are facing humiliation in the other country as well. The question of humanity is loud and clear here. Our world which is broken into fragments called countries running the race to become first does not encourage these migrants so international law also limits rights by drawing some boundaries. Several agreements are made to ensure basic human rights. These agreements prove to be unsuccessful in providing a sense of belongingness to them. There are also laws dealing with migration at regional and national levels. Sometimes these laws do contradict each other. None of them seems to conclude their problems in full sense. Situations like global pandemics and economic letdowns challenge the security of job. Most of the migrants are emotionally attached to their home that also needs to be considered. Laws on migration need to be more progressive.
Keywords: migration, rights, international law, ILO convention, UN convention, security.