International Consensus on Cyber Warfare: Challenges and Implications

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
The International community emphasized State sovereignty with an object to promote the norms set forth in the United Nations Charter. Accordingly, each State has sovereign power and will have to protect their nation includes people and property. With this concept, number of international conventions was drafted including International Humanitarian Law or Law of Armed Conflicts or Law of War which emphasized on traditional warfare. On contemporary, the modern era is the evident of drastic changes in technology. It has a great impact in each and every walk of the life of the people includes in warzone. The current system of technology paves a new platform to a modern warfare through sophisticated equipment which is available to every human being. Now, not only conventional military weapons such as tracked and directed by computer, computer itself is a weapon to target the military and entire system of the enemy State. Globalization makes everything be globalized including the safe guards and security aspects of the nations too. It is a known fact, technology not only dominates the human activities and it also plays a vital role in dominating State activities without observing the principle of State Sovereignty. This paper aims to understand the impact, use of technology in warfare and its impact on the society.
Keywords: State Sovereignty, Armed Conflicts, Globalization, Cyber War and Cyber Crime