Impact of Covid-19 on the Corporate Workforce

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
The world is passing through most unprecedented times. It may perhaps never be the same again. Every aspect of life whether, business, Industry, society have been practically impaired. We need new ways and methods to reset, rebuild and revive ourselves and our economy all over again.
Through this article we are trying to suggest how changed times bring new innovative methods in our way to learn. The corporate workforce is the foundation on which the organization develops. They have to be duly gone governed for, and at the same time owe a collective responsibility to the Organization for its survival and growth.
It is the team that makes a management. It would also be apt to state that it is the team which helps the management plan appropriate policies, procedures and strategies at top level. If the functions are well performed at grass root level, the organization pyramid strengthens as well.
Our endeavor through this paper is to integrate and analyses the impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on the roles of human resource, per se and the workforce at all levels, and suggest probable measures and alternatives to deal with the situation. The paper highlights the management as well a legal perspective of the current situation.
In a nutshell, the current Pandemic is an unpredictable story. The economy is halted, depression and recession round the corner. One aspect which can change the profession, society and nation is the, initiative taken by the work force.