Gerrymandering of Reservations in India

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
The goal of protective discrimination was to integrate the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes with the rest of the population than the system of quotas in jobs, scholarships, and reserved constituencies have only strengthened their separate identity and caused heart burning to the members of general category people who are similarly deprived and for whom there is no reservation. In adopting, retaining and even extending the range of the policy of protective discrimination, the claims of the individuals as against those of the group, ofthe reward given to merit as against those of need have to be balanced. Again it would be erroneous to assume that by making concessions to communities and castes, the needs of every individual is satisfied. Classification of castes and communities embodied in itselfthe concept of discrimination. So in destroying old inequalities we should hot create new ones. Discrimination is dangerous instrument, no matter how pure the intentions are of those who use it and how careful we have to be in using it even for a desirable end. There is a gerrymandering in Indian Law regarding reservations and this article will try to examine every aspect of it.