Feminism and Feminist Jurisprudence in India

Meera R Menon AND Sidharth A J
VIT School of Law, VIT University Chennai Campus, India

Volume III, Issue III, 2020

Feminist  jurisprudence  include  various   theories , ideologies  and philosophies  by  various  scholars  from  various  places. Even though  the  development  and   evolution  of  feminist  jurisprudence  may  be  different  around  the world but  the aim  is  to  bring  gender  justice, which is same  even   in  India. Feminism in India is a set of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for Indian women. In one  word  it  can be  said  as  a  pursuit  of  women  rights  within  the  Indian  society. The modern  feminism  movements  in  India  can  be  divided  into  three  main  time  period  early stage of independence ,the  stage of  nationalism and  post-independence. And   during each  time  period   drastic  changes and  revolution has  happened  in  the  field  of  feminist  jurisprudence  in  India, the  paper  focuses  on  each  of  the  time  period  giving  critical  evaluation. One  of   the  foundation  of  India’s  cultural  heritage  and  diversity  is  due  to   the  different  religious  practices  so  it is evident  that even  in  the  matters  of  jurisprudence   religion played a major  role  in  its  change as  each  religion  views  women  in  different  perspectives. There  is  also  a  critical  aspect were  people  criticize  that  Indian  feministic  movement  has  always  been   in  support of the   privileged  class  and  not  for  the  deprived  classes. It is a matter  of  fact  that  the  feminist movement  in  India  has  always depended  on  cast, religion, place  of  birth  etc. The paper  also  focuses  on  incorporating various  issues  and  problems  faced by  women  in  breaking  the  shackles or  stereotypes in  the  society. Even  the  framers of  our  constitution  made  sure  that  those  women  who  were  deprived of  their rights  and  treated  unfairly  during  the  post-independence period gets  an  equal  opportunity  and freedom in an independent India. The  recent  legislature  and  judgment  like  scraping  of  377 of IPC, Entry of women  in  shabrimala has won  the  confidence  of  many  feminist  in  India  who  believe  that  our  country is in transitional   stage were   India is changing   from  a  patriarch ally dominant  culture to a  gender neutral country.


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