Duty of Reasonable Care by the Bailee under Bailment

NMIMS Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
In this paper, the author has explained the definition of Bailment as defined under S. 148 of Indian Contract act,1872. The author also explains various ingredients necessary to form a contract of Bailment and important precedents surrounding it have also been examined.
In this chapter, the authors discuss the nature of bailment, duties of the bailee, classification of bailment, rights and liabilities of a bailee, spiritual aspects of the bailee and finally they put concluding remarks. In this chapter descriptive and analytical research methodology has been applied to critically analyse the concept of the law of bailment.
As the paper proceeds, the paper specifically focused on Ss. 151 & 152 that forms the duty of reasonable care by the bailee towards the bailor. The paper dwells into the intricacies of above-mentioned sections and analyses it along with judicial precedents and gives a perspective of how the meaning of same lines have been interpreted differently along the years.