Corporal Punishment and Child Right: A Comparative Study​

Aditi Sadhwani, Sasha Chhabra, Alex T Thevarcad and Jane Sheba Rani
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, India.

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020

Because every child in the world has one thing in common, their rights and someone violating them.

Corporal punishment and classroom coercion continue to prevail. Corporal Punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical pain and psychological humiliation in order to discipline the child, with respect to schools until the late 20th century when teachers were legally allowed to hit children. Many developed countries adopted the agendas to foster the old mind-set of people that it will only curb poor social conduct and it does not comply with the protection of the dignity of the child. A new government report concluded that corporal punishment was suffered by two out of every three children in study sample of 12,447. Coming to the psychological and social impacts of school corporal punishment, when a child sees another child getting physically reprimanded, this instils a fear in them, and they refrain from doing the same ‘crime’ as their peer. But at the same time there are adverse long-term psychological impacts on a child because the trauma might act out and show aggressive and anti-social tendencies. It also indicates that students become introverted and grow hatred for schools and may even leave higher education before it’s actual completion. Therefore, the government must protect their rights and support awareness campaigns against CP. As laws have already been framed, social reformation is needed. This research paper follows a comparative research and briefly presents situations across the globe and the reasons for it.

Keywords- coercion, discipline, reprimanded, social reformation.