Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Need of the Hour

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
There have been numerous amendments and bills that have been legislated and made in the past few years. Some of the bills have not yet been implemented, some have not even been acknowledged, while some have been enacted. One bill that has become an act in recent times is the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Over the period, there has been a humongous change evolved concerning the consumers. One of the common and standard definitions used is, a person who buys goods and services is called a consumer. As its definition has emerged across time, so has its function. Further, the roles of producers and other auxiliaries have too fairly developed. These changes can be attributed to the technological advancements and better lifestyles of the civilisation. These consumers have various rights, and if these rights are violated, they can file a petition in the Court. These cases have specialised courts for them. They are known as Consumer Courts. This paper thus analyses this Consumer Protection Act of 2019 in detail, and also would throw light into the various changes that have been introduced in the new enactment with comparison to that of the old one. It would further draw in multiple improvements this act would bring in significant domains of society.
Keywords: Consumers, Producers, Rights, e-Commerce, Internet.