Combating Mob Lynching: Need of the Hour

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
Mob lynching is such a horrible act that cannot be justified by either means. A country which has an efficient and effective legal system, why people take law and order in their hand is a question which needs to be answered. Recent times in India, there have been incidents of mob lynching. And it has been seen that in the cases of Mob lynching, people consider themselves Judges, Jury and executive, and punish accused on the basis of suspicion. Authors start this paper by defining Mob lynching And by what existing laws in India, accused of Mob Lynching is punished. Later in the paper, the authors present what the Supreme Court has said about offence of mob lynching and guidelines given by it. And how other counties have special legislation for preventing and combating mob lynching. And later, authors try to answer why India need special Legislation to prevent and combating mob lynching.
Keywords: Mob Lynching, rule of law, Supreme Court’s guidelines.