Citizenship Amendment Act

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
India started to acknowledge that migration would be the biggest trigger in the near future during independence from 1947 to 1952. The leaders of the nation decided to give citizenship rights to the population in India according to law and constitution. So when the leaders of the nation decided that giving citizenship rights to the population in India would create a lot of dilemmas that is when they determined to introduce the “ CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT ACT 1955” in which population who migrated during the partition would be recognized as citizens or immigrants but this legislation was not fruitful so the bill was amended. The recent “CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT ACT 2019” was the latest amendment made to the CAA 1955 bill, CAA 2019 is called to be unconstitutional as it only allows population flew from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to India who belong to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Parsi, Christian, and Buddhist and who came before 31 Dec 2014, excluding Muslims. CAA 2019 is causing suggestive pressure of proof that should be prove that they are the citizens of India and also affecting India’s foreign relations across the globe. This paper also explains about how the CAA 2019 is discriminatory in nature and how the legislation is affecting the fundamental rights of a person and the national security of the country.