Animals also need Love, Care and Respect in the Society

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
The paper talks about all the animal rights prevailing in our INDIA. The authors want to make aware all the readers about the rights of all the speechless creatures enshrined in our Indian constitution and all other laws, such as WILDLIFE PROTECTION ACT, CATTEL TRESSPASS ACT, and various acts. As we all know that these speechless creatures are in a worst condition, and they have no one for them to fight on their behalf. The authors have researched very deeply and showcased the role of our Indian judiciary through various case laws. The authors have put more emphasis on a world-renowned organization PETA, which runs all over the world for the protection of animal rights.
If we talk from the religions point of view, the authors told about a renowned Bhagwat preacher Devi Chitralekhaji, who at a very young age, took an initiative of making a Cows Hospital in India, (Haryana), namely as GAU SEVA DHAM HOSPITAL, in which all the animals, especially cows are treated, with all the facilities of operation theatre, x-ray machines, etc. This is the beauty of our INDIA.
Also, the authors have explained the procedure of how to take care of your animals, in our covid-19 situation. The authors have covered almost all the aspects of animal rights in this research paper. Our constitution explains us about some of the fundamental duties, in which it is written that it is our fundamental duty to take care of every animal on this earth.
Hence, the authors request all the readers to just read this research paper once and think of all the rights and case laws and spread this concept and awareness to all the citizens of India. If all the citizens will get to know about the animal rights, then one day our INDIA will again be renamed as the “GOLDEN BIRD”.