Analysis of Conventions on Aerial Hijacking

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
In today’s world, we have learnt to live with international terrorism. In the globe there are certain places that are either cursed by this bad amen and some places are not. Aerial hijacking is a concept that evolved from piracy in the seas. It is a concept that started to evolve from the 19th Century but was colossal when the late 20th Century came. International terrorism now has its root all over the globe and there is not a single place where this bad omen is not present. When it comes to aerial hijacking, after the world war, the practices with regards to aerial hijacking were increasing and to stop it International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), with its 122 member states along with some signatories, signed the pact of providing a secured aerial space, also discussing some points such as, jurisdiction and various authorities. But they were not able to make a codified laws as the circumstances in global administration were changing. When the United Nations was established and after the successful run, the Tokyo Convention, 1963 was implemented, which was a first step to curb the mal practices. But as this convention was first of its kind it wasn’t able to give fruits, therefore Hague Convention,1970 was implemented, which also showed fallacies in terms of legal argumentation, which led to the birth of Montreal Convention,1971. Researcher shall be analyzing all the conventions in the paper.
Keywords : International Terrorism, Aerial Hijacking, Piracy, ICAO, Signatories, Jurisdiction, Tokyo Convention of 1963, United Nations, Hague Convention of 1970, Montreal Convention of 1971