An Analysis of Operational Aspects of Motor Vehicle Jurisprudence: A Comparative Perspective

Advocate, High Court for Judicature for Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
Motor Vehicle Act is one of the most comprehensive legislation regulating and combating the issues and problems pertaining to all major facets, existing issues and components of the motor vehicle related domain. It may be regulation, practices, procedures adopted for granting permits, license, safety at roads, roads infrastructure or granting compensation in any accident case. Although the parliamentary and legislative intent with the judicial precedents are tackling the complexities involved in Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and its amendment in 2019. But there are a few major highlighting issues such as just compensation, tortious liability, no fault liability & liability of insurance companies; international road safety jurisprudence under Motor vehicle Act and the role of insurance companies requires more deliberations and explanations. The present research article is dealing with the major specific deliberations involved in the motor vehicle Act in the light of judicial precedents and legislative intent.