A Light on the Socio-Economic Status of the Transgenders

Research Scholar at University institute of Legal studies at Chandigarh University, Gharuan Punjab, India.

Assistant Professor at University institute of Legal studies at Chandigarh University, Gharuan Punjab, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
“Every human being is born with something known as sex and it depends upon you, how you recognize and discover it.” The golden thread that runs through the schemes of equality of the Constitution of India is that ‘all citizens must enjoy their life and as human beings they must have equal opportunities to grow ‘. India is a land of distinguishing cultures and religion and has a gender biased society. Since ancient times the Indian society has recognized only two genders i.e. male and female and the populace which do not fall within these two categories remained the neglected part of the society. But with the passage of time there has risen a need to give such populace a separate identity. Transgenders are the ones who are hardly researched, scorned, abused and callously ignored. It is crucial to determine the gender to which one person belongs as it is intrinsic to their right to dignity and self-determination. In this paper we will come across the harassment suffered by the transgender community by the police officials and public. The sectors in which they are neglected. This paper will put a light on the socio-economic status of the transgenders. Due to ignorance the problems faced by them. The various rights recognized by the court and various directions given by it to the government. The separate gender identity given to this community.
Keywords: Transgenders, Legal Aid, Rights, Status