A General Look at Patent Rights with Special Reference to the Indian Patent Cases​?​

Khushi Shandilya and Akanksha Bhatt
Law College Dehradun, Faculty of Uttaranchal University, India.

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020

The article focuses upon the right of patent. It talks about brief history and emergence of the legislations related to patents in India. It also focuses upon the objective behind the patent laws. The article inquires the legitimacy of rights and compares its application in different countries through WIPO & Patent Cooperation Treaty. Patent not being an absolute right, has some criteria for the patentability of the product or process which is also discussed in the article. For clarity in the subject, special reference is given to the important cases through which India realized more about its traditional knowledge and intellectual property. 

Keywords: Intellectual Property, patent, product, process.

DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25270