A Critical Analysis of Prohibition Law in U.S.A., Russia, Canada, Scandinavian Countries and West Asiatic Countries

  • S. Srinivasa Sathyanarayanan
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  • S. Srinivasa Sathyanarayanan

    Student at SRM School of Law, India

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The Prohibition Law being the subject matter of the topic, the essay is about the critical analysis exercised in the name of the greater good for preventing consumption. The four given countries such as the U.S.A, Russia, Canada, and Scandinavian and West Asian Countries have a concrete history of legal governance in alcohol and also had their backfired moments. But why is it important? When it comes to law and finance, History always tends to repeat itself. The study is on the perspective of bringing a better connotation, such as whether the nature of the probation law is aimed at a health perspective or moral perspective. Or, is the prohibition law the root cause for the subjection and suppression of violence as a crime? And the list goes on…… For the critical study, some materials are significant to be pondered upon. The main materials are mostly the authored book written by Law, Alcohol and Social Order written by Mark Keller, and academic research papers which will be mentioned along with their data. The first part talks about the Summary wherein the overall understanding of the Prohibition law will be discussed as to what the prohibition is all about. The Analysis part is where the critical analysis is discussed to create a layout of the efficacy of the so-far enacted governance and its positive and negative impact. The Critical Analysis is also being discussed from the viewpoint of the shortcomings of the nations given for the study. Then comes the conclusion, wherein the overall idea of what the author is trying to achieve will be discussed, and the personal conjecture and findings will be laid out with a recap of the so far discussion made in the context.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 3565 - 3575

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.115270

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